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Pro choice, a Woman's right to choose, Reproductive freedom, access to reproductive health care, bodily autonomy. No matter what it is called, the issue is abortion, plain and simple. I hesitate to talk about abortion, but like it or not, abortions are legal in the USA, generally accepted by many of our citizens, and remains a hotly debated topic. Many faithful to their religion may find abortion to be counter to their religious teachings and beliefs. Regardless of what my personal beliefs on the issue may be, as your NC Legislator, I will not vote for any legislation that would further restrict abortion rights more than current laws allow. Access to an abortion should be a health issue, not a political issue.
I really do not want to debate the events which got us to this point. But, there are several facts I think we all can accept:
1. Abortions have become generally acceptable by our diverse society.
2. An abortion is a traumatic, life altering event in the lives of ALL involved, and terminates the life of the fetus, a future human being.
3. Abortion is generally available in North Carolina, by pill or by a doctor.
4. There are alternatives to using abortion as birth control.
5. The reversal of Roe v Wade by The Supreme Court did not ban abortions. It sent the decision on abortion laws to the states, which are now passing laws giving diverse accesses to abortions.
6. In 1992, Bill Clinton said abortions should be "safe, legal, and rare" , which was the Democrat platform stance until 2012. Not so rare anymore.
7. Nationwide there were about 50,000,000 abortions from 1973-2011
I have done some reading/research on the topic. Here are some intersting things I found about abortions in NC:
1. 86% of abortions are on single women
2.65% of abortions are on women who have had at least one prior abortion
3. 9.4% of the women have had more than 4 abortions
4.93.8% of abortions occur at 0-13 weeks
5.51% of abortions are on Black women(Blacks are about 20% on NC population)
(US Dept of HHS/CDCP. MMWR/Nov 24, 2023/Vol 72/ No.9)
The left has created a crisis of abortion legislation
The crisis is elsewhere:
The Crisis is in marriage, or the lack thereof
The Crisis is in Education, or lack thereof
The crisis is in income, or lack thereof
I will vote NO to further restrict abortion in NC. I will vote YES to help marriage, adoption, pregnancy healthcare, and other legislation that will help promote two-parent families.
Vote for Jerry Doliner on Nov 5th, or beforeI
Early voting begins on October 17th
N C House District 40
I will work for you in the General Assembly!
Paid for by Doliner4House40
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